We provide demo web and app project here to our client

Experienced in every kinds of Tech Solution

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Tech Solution Consultancy

Product Design Strategy

Web & App Development

More than 7 years we provide Tech Solution

to all businesses.

Web Development

To develop a website for the internet or an intranet. It can be front-end web development, back-end web development, and full-stack web development

App Development

To develop an application to use on mobile app (Android or IOS)

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Our Exclusive Tech Solution Services

Web Development

To develop a website for the internet or an intranet. It can be front-end web development, back-end web development, and full-stack web development

App Development

To develop an application to use on mobile app (Android or IOS)

Customization App

We do provide tailored made web app and mobile app to fit your business need.

UI/UX Design

We provide UI/UX design to fit your branding.

Current Hot Demand Development

ERP System
ERP System with Multi-workspace

Best Solution for Manufacturer

Warehouse and Inventory Management System

Best Solution for Warehouse.

Demo Credential:
Username: demoadmin
Password: Password@123

Learning Management System

Best Solution for Educator

Demo Credential:
Email: admin@u-deploy.com
Password: Admin@123

Frequently Asks Questions

  1. We can help you solve all the problem in your daily operation.
  2. We make your service accessible 24/7.
  3. Bring your revenue to the new height if you follow our methods correctly.
  1. It will usually take up to 12 months depend the feature and requirement for the web and app.
  2. Depending you want to use template or fully tailored made the whole application.
  3. As long the required information all completely pass to our development team.
  1. For a web solution, it will from RM1,500.00 to RM20,000.00.
  2. For an app solution, it will from RM15,000.00 to RM250,000.00.
  3. For an ERP solution, it will from RM40,000.00 to RM2,000,000.00
  4. For design task, it will from RM500.00 to RM15,000.00
  5. For Tech Solution Consultancy, it will from RM1,000.00

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